Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Incredible Hulk - 2 green giants tearing up NYC for 10$

I am guessing that this story line is as good as it can get when your entire movie is focused on someone who turns big, green and yells at everything. I went to this one pretty confident that it couldnt worse than the first movie. If the first movie left a bitter taste in your mouth and a feeling of going hulk on the director, this one is a definite relief. Darwin's theory should have made that set to go extinct :P. It was decent fun, go check it out.

Oh and i heard an interesting discussion on my way back. A couple of kids were discussing about the movie. One was wondering whether the larger you are the more stupid you become, something on lines of size being inversely proportional to intelligence. We know its not true, but its interesting to see how these movies can be of influence.

Hell, I have had someone ask me if Indians like "Monkey Brains. Effect of an Indiana Jones Movie. (And a lot of us are vegetarians !).

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