Tuesday, April 26, 2005

All nighters!!

I am currently working on a research topic for a class. I was busy googling away , when i heard a bunch of guys sitting near me at meyers( a library here at stanford) talk about a programming assignment that was making them go crazy.

I was immediately pushed 3 months into the past. OMG!!...it was the busiest and the scariest part of my life. I had taken a programming assignment based course without actually evaluating the pros and cons of taking it along with other tough courses. what followed is really hard to explain.

It was a period of time when sleep was a prized possesion. I hardly got any sleep. constant coding wrecked not only my eyes but also my eating patern and sleep schedule. The good thing about this was, that when we finished the quarter , the week that followed was the happiest week ever !!..I looked at the devastated dudes near me and told to myself , dont worry it will be over soon and you will learn an very important lesson..all the best :)...

okie let me get back to googling for pictures..i mean pdfs :D...

till later


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